Featured Articles
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“Health can be physical, but it’s also about finding purpose, joy, and financial opportunity. It happens when Wellness Advocates earn money for piano lessons for their kids while supporting...

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Inclusion and Diversity Committee

Jun 8, 2020

To our beloved dōTERRA family:

Invisible. Ignored. Unheard.

We have heard this sentiment far too often from people we have met in diverse places around the world, but most recently here at home.

At dōTERRA, we believe that a basic human desire, and right, is to be valued and to belong. Striving for inclusivity and equality is at the core of why we pursue what’s pure. Purity is our constant mission, and everything we do is meant to empower and uplift.

We realize that we can do more for our Black brothers and sisters. We see their pain and hear their cries. We dedicate ourselves to listening and learning—not just today, but always.

In our efforts to change, we recently met with over 120 of our Black Wellness Advocate leaders. We listened as they shared their stories, their struggles, and their passion for creating opportunity for their families and communities. They asked us not to treat them differently; rather, they asked that we give them equal opportunity. Within our large dōTERRA family of millions of customers and leaders in the United States and around the world, they want to be seen and heard.

At times like this, we all look inward so we can help outward. Racism is abhorrent, and Black members of the dōTERRA family, throughout the United States and the world, deserve better. So, what can we do to show compassion and let them know that we hear them and that they matter to us?

Meaningful, sustainable, and lasting change is our pledge.

Today, we are announcing the formation of an Inclusion and Diversity Committee, led by four of the most talented members of the dōTERRA family, representing both our employees and Wellness Advocates. We are empowering the committee to make changes at dōTERRA, help us correct unconscious biases, provide more opportunities, and be more inclusive. We are looking at everything, from marketing and education to hiring practices and the language and images we use so that we can better serve a more diverse family. To change the world, we need to first start with changes in our community.

This work is critical, and we will ensure this committee has the resources needed to enact real change. There is no specific budget, because this is not a marketing campaign, and there is no price tag that can be placed on our commitment to change. Our Executive team will be hands-on, working with the committee and our Black Wellness Advocates to give them whatever they need to lift in their communities. We will work with them to create more equality and greater opportunities to thrive. Our commitment will be shown through our actions over the coming weeks, months, and years.

We are an essential oils company, and some have asked why we are getting involved. For us, our “Why” has always been about love for humanity. Giving our time and attention toward helping one community does not discount the value, needs, and love of another. Our Inclusion and Diversity Committee will benefit all those who feel invisible. For this moment, it’s about helping the Black members of our family feel whole, included, heard, and loved. Because that’s what families do.

We are hopeful that as we learn and change our perspectives, we can soften hearts, open minds, and facilitate healing. This pursuit is never easy and can seem never-ending. But we are forever optimistic.

We appreciate you. We see your efforts to do and be better. Let’s make the world a better place—together.

With love,

dōTERRA Founders

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Meet the Inclusion and Diversity Committee

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